Did a 50 day trip to South America. I visited Peru,
Argentina and Brazil. I decided to go to South America about 10 days before I
boarded a plane. The original plan was to go to India, but I decided after 10
intense months of running a painting company I needed a place a bit more
relaxed as India is one hell of an adventure and up close and personal, and I
knew the weather would be nice in South America and a bit more relaxed.
I flew into Peru, and the next day I was off on a five day
journey by motorcycle to Machu Pichu and back. I decided not to hike the Inca
Trail because I know everyone does it, and I have learned from traveling that
if everyone is doing something it is usually overpriced and not so adventurous.
I have heard mixed reviews about the trail, some saying it is amazing and
beautiful, others says it was to easy, restaurants everywhere and your always
passing other tour groups. I would say that it is all in your mind set and if
your going to do the five day hike just take it in and it will be amazing!
Ran into two friends also College Pro Franchisee owners Kaleb and Kyle on the plane ride down to South America, so shocked I lost my credit card as I was buying something when I saw them and forgot to take it out the machine |
A small town on the way to Machu Pichu |
Bug bites from I don't know what after motor biking all day. No one spoke English in these places, and there was no internet, so not much to do except read and observe life. |
Because it was off season not as many foreigners and a lot of school groups at Machu Pichu. I probably stopped for about 30 minutes for pictures. One thing that I wish we had more in Canada is that children from around the world in developing nations are so interested in people from the west, but here at home children and adults have little interaction except in formal settings, and I truly believe we are all missing out because of it |
The road was literally flooded in spots and you had to drive through up to 2 feet of water, which was actually really fun. Probably different situation if your not an adventure junky with a dirt bike looking for this and you say had to travel to the next town in a school bus in the dark, then it might scare the Sh#@ out of you |
What I later found out through translation is Peru's version of oatmeal. you drink it in a cup, actually pretty good |
Cusco from the air |
The Inca boys helping me set up my new cell phone which I rarely used |
The Inca boys who helped me set up my rental for the dirt bike |
Leaving Cusco |
The sacred Valley |
This was at the top about 5000 meter's high. I didn't realize it got so high and so cold, I didn't have proper clothes and was freezing. Again not knowing Spanish didn't help! |
The dog who lived at 5000 meters, looks like he's got a lot of meat on him |
I arrived at this place at about 10pm at night after coming down the mountain from 5000 meters and being warm again in the Amazon, this was a view from my hotel room window. |
The hike up to Machu Pichu |
The one boy was 10. They were are guides for riding around the area outside of Cusco. |
shoe cleaning |
Caves to go explore, there were tons of them and no one around, it was really fun |
Ash's little brother. |
Roger, who I met at the hostel in Purteo Maldono (gateway to the Amazon), we ended up exploring the place together for 5 days. Roger was on the beginning of his around the world trip. He grew up in New York City and has lived there for most of his life. He was an engineer with a good job. He recently quit his job to go explore the world for a year, I think he is going to 5 continents, I tried convincing him to go to Africa as well. I hope he comes to visit me in Canada one day, so many good outdoor adventures together. |
Walking through the Amazon |
This boy and his Grandma and Mom put on traditional cultural tours. Interesting, not super tribal or anything as like everywhere else in the world they have access to technology, but still cool to meet them and see a bit of what life used to be like in the area. |
Swiming in the Amazon Basin beside the boat |
Our host in the Amazon, great guy, really knowledgeable |
Ash, who I met at the smoothie stand in Cusco came to the Amazon with his family as well so we met here. Ash is a very interesting and unique British guy. All 3 of us are 26. Ash moved to the Amazon when he was 18 fresh out of school and never left. He learned about traditional medicine and his a Shawman, he has and is currently involved in the hair extension business and runs a pizza shop in the jungle. I really give him credit for sticking it out so long in Peru. Also thank you for the tour of his part of Peru. I think he was a bit down and negative, and I helped him with selling in his business for a bit and gave him motivation to keep pushing forward! NEver stop Ash! |
The food in Lima is actually some of the best in the world. |
Slack line is big in South America |
Graffiti everywhere, I loved it! |
I taught Ash how to make a Carrot cake to sell, due to different ingredients in Peru it didn't turn out so good |
Nasty Guinee pig, way to greasy! |
Traditional Peruvian dress |
Random old bridge on the way to Machu Pichu, got a third of the way and came back |
how they build houses in Cusco, just wandering through random areas |
Local soccer league in the Amazon, was a lot of fun, teams not much better than rec leagues here but so many fans! Love how social it is there! |
Overall Peru was not my favorite place to visit. Mainly to do with me: I don't speak Spanish so couldn't get to know the locals. It was very busy with tourists, so you were seen in a lot of areas as someone to get money off of. I heard Columbia is awesome, so I would suggest going there instead, but of course if you end up in Peru, you can have fun, and its all about who you meet, and I suggest to learn Spanish at the beginning and go get lost somewhere new!