Thursday, July 31, 2014

Blue Lakes, Hazelton- A great adventure for anyone who can walk

You gotta drive up to the trail head, lucky enough to get an ATV due to a friend, god bless him ;)
Blue Lakes Trail, near Hazelton BC

Me and a friend drove to Hazelton, BC Canada to do a day hike called Blue Lakes Trail. I had heard from a lot of people this was one of the best hikes in the whole area. It was a great day, saw some amazing views, took about 8 hours up and down, and best of all its free besides getting here!
Directions (about 10km before you come to Hazelton from Smithers BC down a dirt road on the left hand side (there is a small sign saying blue lakes on a tree), you drive up this rought road about 8km's to the trail head and then you just walk up, takes about 8 hours if you stop and enjoy there and back!

Enjoy the pictures and dream about when you do it one day!

A real trekker!

At the top our own paradise!

Is it wrong that I wanna get it on til I die?

How the aboriginals fish, with nets! (In HAzelton, not on the trail, so don't Bi#%H)

some pre historic bugs!

I pretended I was gonna take a picture then I face washed Kate and ran off the snow, she was chill tho ;)

the first of two blue lakes

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